In the world of collections, keeping pace with the latest technology is vital to success. As customers also embrace new tech, so should companies that provide the services to help businesses with debt collection.
We’re particularly happy to provide several services that use software to the fullest extent, improving performance and helping companies develop strategies that are both effective and efficient in debt collection.
Here’s a look at some of the software we’re currently employing, as well as some of the advantages.
Debtmaster is collection software that features advanced security features, with an emphasis on maintaining compliance as well as providing greater service to your debtors. Debtmaster features integrated services, including debtor information, reporting tools, workflow management, documentation, payment utilities and compliance resources.
Your employees are also able to access this information 24/7 since all the applications inside Debtmaster are available on the on their servers.
Callthru is an integrated telephone system that works with Debtmaster to make security and compliance as strong as they can be.
Using CallThru makes it easy to store calls in a system to ensure compliance, as well as includes encryption of data and agent monitoring for companies that are working on servers or via hybrid methods.
You can also prioritize the phone traffic you receive through Call Thru’s systems, making operations more smooth and more efficient. There are also ways to ensure that debtors get matched up every time with the correct agent for their needs or concerns.
ClientAccess is an integrated web portal that brings the software you use together for easy access to your employees. ClientAccess works with both Debtmaster and CallThru for rapid data access and seamless operations. It’s also easy to install.
This is also a great solution for reporting, as you can call up customized reports for easy updating and 24/7 access to that information. You can customize the reports to show only the pertinent information needed and protect information privacy.
Great solutions for your debt collection needs
Along with this great software, MJR can work directly with our clients to truly learn what is important to their business.
We can analyze your own KPIs to better understand them and put strategies for collection in place that meet and exceed your business goals. We then work together to reach those goals through targeted programs with clear measurements.
To find out more about what we can provide businesses, go to