Technology has touched so many lives in so many ways. The consumers that work with you definitely take advantage of the latest and greatest advances — and so should you.
The best debt recovery companies embrace all types of new technology to provide the best and most comprehensive services. At MJR, we’ve learned to trust several solutions that bring together software, data and processes to improve our own performance and develop strategies to make sure debt collection is most effective.
Here’s a look at what we are currently using, as well as the advantages of each product. As you’ll see below, they all work together very well to bring about impactful results.
Debtmaster: Everything in one place
This is collection software that features advanced security features, with an emphasis on maintaining compliance as well as providing greater service to consumers.
Debtmaster features integrated services, including debtor information, reporting tools, workflow management, documentation, payment utilities and compliance resources.
Your employees and our staff are also able to access this information through a secure portal.
CallThru: the power of communication
his is an integrated telephone system that works with Debtmaster to make security and compliance as strong as they can be.
Using CallThru makes it easy to store calls in a system to ensure compliance, as well as include data encryption and agent monitoring. We can also prioritize the phone traffic received through Call Thru’s systems, making operations more smooth and more efficient.
There are also ways to ensure that consumers get matched up every time with the correct agent for their needs or concerns.
ClientAccess: The reports you need
Just like the two solutions above, ClientAccess works together with our other software to garner easy access for your employees. ClientAccess is a web portal that works with both Debtmaster and CallThru for rapid data access and seamless operations.
It’s also easy to install. This is also robust software for reporting, as you can call up customized reports for easy updating.
Exceeding your expectations
It’s not just software where we are on the leading edge. MJR can work directly with you to learn your priorities and then craft plans that make sense for your consumer base.
We can work with you and analyze important KPIs to better understand that data and put strategies for collection in a place that meets and exceed your business goals. We then work together to reach those goals through targeted programs with clear measurements. To find out more about what we can provide businesses, go to