Using software to its absolute limit can impact your company’s success. It’s something we believe in as it concerns the world of collections, as we keep pace with the latest technology to provide services to you.
We’re delighted to provide several services that use software to improve our performance for clients. These tools also help us develop strategies for you that are efficient and effective in debt collection.
Here’s a look at some of the software we currently use and its advantages.
This is collection software that features advanced security features, emphasizing maintaining compliance and providing greater service to your debtors.
Debtmaster features integrated services, including debtor information, reporting tools, workflow management, documentation, payment utilities, and compliance resources. All of these resources and information are also available to us 24/7.
With Debtmaster as the base, we can also use CallThru to fully integrate our telephone system with our reporting, workflow information, and documentation. Plus, it’s as secure and compliant as software can be.
Using CallThru makes it easy to store calls in a system, encrypt data and provide for agent monitoring to ensure that the techniques we use to communicate with consumers are working at their best.
We can also prioritize the phone traffic received through Call Thru’s systems, making operations more smooth and more efficient. There are also ways to ensure that consumers get matched up every time with the correct agent for their needs or concerns.
This integrated web portal brings the software you use together for easy access. ClientAccess works with Debtmaster and CallThru for rapid data access and seamless operations. It’s also easy to install.
This is also great software for reporting, as customized reports can be made and sent to clients for easy updating. We also work with our clients to customize the reports to show only the most pertinent information and protect information privacy for everyone.
A plan that’s tailored to your own goals
Investing in leading-edge technology for our clients is one of the ways that we can assist you in reaching your business goals. MJR drives performance in debt collection through our flexibility, vast experience in this type of business, and dedication to your unique experiences.
We can adjust what’s working for you by continuously monitoring our collection strategies. We deploy the right amount of resources and ensure we also garner your feedback to consistently and constantly fine-tune how we collect from your customers. To learn more about what we can do for your business, visit our website.